Welsh Yogi Podcast
Bhakti yoga podcast from Cardiff
74 episodes
77. The story of the Swedish monk
Bhakta-rupa & Partha discuss growing up Swedish, psychedelic dreams and buying meditation books from a devotee in Stockholm.
76. In the pursuit of happiness
Gopala, Bhakta-rupa, Peter & Jack discuss becoming a devotee, supernatural entities and self transformation as a result of Bhakti yoga.
75. Positive procrastination (NOI)
Join Gopala, Bhakta-rupa & Peter as they dive into the third text of the Nectar Of Instruction. They also discuss spiritual farm communities, karma as well as a re-enactment of the story of Haridas Thakura and the prostitute.
74. New year, new me?
Gopala, Bhakta-rupa, and Peter explore how to approach New Year's resolutions through the lens of Bhakti yoga.
72. Wait ages for a bus...
Gopal and Bhakta-rupa are back reading the second chapter of the Nectar of instruction.
71. Make hay while the sun shines!
Gangeya joins us to finish up the end of the first chapter of Nectar of instruction!
68. Happy Easter! (NOI)
Getting back into the swing of things, diving right back into the first verse of the Nectar of Instruction. If you need a copy get in touch! Hare Krishna
65. Don't touch the Fire! (NOI)
Koladvipa-pati Prabhu fills in for Gopal as we begin reading the first text of the Nectar of Instruction! Enjoy!
64. Post Ratha Yatra with Adhoksaja
Adhoksaja Krishna Prabhu came down to Cardiff for our massive festival of the chariots! He popped onto the podcast to introduce his new podcast 'Bhakti Breakthrough' which can be found on YouTube! Hare Krishna!
63. Starting the Nectar of Instruction (NOI)
We began the podcast by reading through the Sri Isopanisad. Now almost 3 years later we are reading Rupa Goswami's 'Upadesamrita' which was turned into a book called 'The nectar of instruction' by Srila Prabhupada. In this episode we read the p...
61. Live from Govardhan Hill
An episode we recorded whilst on pilgrimage in India in Februrary!
55. Joel's ghost story
Joel tells us the story of his time working in a nursing home where he was contacted by a subtle being!