Welsh Yogi Podcast
Bhakti yoga podcast from Cardiff
Podcasting since 2020 • 88 episodes
Welsh Yogi Podcast
Latest Episodes
88. As old as the hills (NOI + Gaura Purnima Special)
Gopala, Bhakta-rupa & Peter are back into the nectar of instruction. They also discuss the celebration of the advent of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, who originally spread the chanting of the maha mantra.

Tarakanatha Bhagavad Gita (5.10) Class - 28th October 2024
Tarakanatha gives a class on the tenth verse of the fifth chapter of Bhagavad Gita. He explains how Krishna reciprocates with each and every one of us. He also discusses what it means to be truly renounced, and how to use all our possessions fo...

Tarakanatha Bhagavad Gita (6.37) Class - 2nd March 2025
Tarakanatha gives a class on the thirty-seventh verse of the sixth chapter of Bhagavad Gita. He discusses Krishna's answer to Arjuna's question: "What happens to the yogi who doesn't complete his spiritual journey in this life?".